Global Insurance




Data Processing


Improved Efficiency with Digital Mailroom


  • Bottlenecks in the data processing of both
    physical and digital mailrooms.
  • 4 major challenges: organizational complexity, limited standardization, volume and variety
    of content, and compliance and controls requirements.
  • There is no standard of communication
    or formations, with a staggering volume
    and variety of content to process.


  • Improve operational efficiency and agility with machine-based classification and automated indexing of all incoming data and documents.
  • Improved response times and data is directly routed to the intended destination.


  • Increase in satisfied customers from a
    significant reduction in the number of complaints about claims handling, money saved,
    and money earned.
  • Ensures compliance as digital automation
    is based on rules-based instructions set.
  • Greater agility by being able to quickly adapt
    processes with an intuitive user experience.
  • Leaner, more cost-effective workforce
    automating document logistics saves insurance companies thousands of labor-hours each year.