Automate to work smarter & faster

document automoation

Intelligent automation built for today.

RBC Group’s docs2me automation platform works for your business with accuracy and speed.

docs2me enhances the capability of existing business tools to deliver time savings, eliminate repetitive tasks and reduce manual inputs.

Allow your people to work on what matters and remove the manual processes of;

  • Human Resources
  • Contracts Management
  • Digital Mailroom
  • Customer Onboarding
  • Consumer Credit
  • Mortgage Processing
  • Accounts Payable
  • Claims Handling
  • Email triage/ Management

The volumes of confidential information being managed manually is surging along with the need to prove adequate processes, controls and measures are in place to ensure compliance.

By implementing security measures such as encryption, access controls, and audit trails to prevent unauthorised access and ensure that all mail and/or documents are properly tracked and monitored businesses can improve their fraud protection measures and increase the security of their customer’s sensitive information.

Improve retention of customers and staff.

Retention is a critical metric for any business. Retaining customers is much more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, and loyal customers are more likely to refer friends and family to you.

Effective automation can help businesses to improve customer retention by providing a more personalised and seamless customer experience.

When a business can respond in as little as 60 seconds why would a customer feel a need to look to your competitors?

Retaining customers is much more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, and loyal customers are more likely to refer friends and family to the company.

By automating manual processes, not only do you reduce errors, and improve efficiency, you free up your team to work on projects that are more valuable to your business.

Document automation, Process automation

